
Adventurers at Heart

From snowy peaks to sandy dunes, we are adventurers like you - climbers, skiers, and wanderers at heart. We know the thrill of a fresh trail and the joy of connecting with nature.

The climbers, skiers, and wanderers

Our Origin Story

Stoke Tracks was born from a passion for the outdoors and a desire to protect it.

We set out to create a product that brought fun to our adventures and respect for the environment.

We worked with biodegradation experts at Algenesis to make sure our ski pole baskets are entirely biodegradable, in your garden, in 6 to 9 months.

our mission

We aim to inspire outdoor enthusiasts and cultivate awareness for genuinely biodegradable plastics. We are committed to making every adventure an enjoyable, eco-conscious one.

Our Vision

We envision a world where outdoor pursuits and environmental responsibility go hand in hand.


Join the Movement for Change

Why Your Support Matters

Your support for Stoke Tracks goes beyond a purchase - it's a pledge for a more sustainable world. For every pair purchased $1 goes to support our partners at POW.

We're committed to using genuinely biodegradable TPU, that biodegrade in your garden in 6 to 9 months, presenting an eco-friendly alternative that does not compromise performance.

Your involvement means a cleaner, safer environment for future generations. Let's make a difference together!

From the encyclopedia

Fun Facts

Wolves have 42 teeth, and a top speed of 38 mph. Mountain lions can jump as high as 25 ft. Probably good information to remember.

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Our Team

Meet the Trailblazers

The Snow Whisperer

Derek, the first ambassador of Stoke Tracks, lives and breathes the spirit of adventure. His love for the outdoors and enthusiasm for our products create a contagious energy that stokes everyone around him.

The Creative Core

Vanessa, the creative genius behind Stoke Tracks and the glue that holds our team together. Her commitment to helping people get stoked about being outside and to creating a genuinely eco-friendly product Is the core of our mission.

The Speed Kings

Cedar and Monty, the leaders of our Get Stoked Division, are known for their zest and incredible speed. With a top speed of 33 mph, they embody the thrill and joy that Stoke Tracks bring to every adventure.